Which cryptocurrencies do you support?
We will help you recover coins for almost any cryptocurrency. The most common coins we recover are Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Dogecoin, Bitcoin Cash, Dash, Monero, Stellar, USDT.
How can I trust you with my wallet?
We take pride in providing you a very professional recovery service. We will both be signing a legal contract before we begin the recovery process. Please feel free to call and talk to us about any of your concerns
How do you get paid?
We only get paid if we succeed in recovering your wallet. Typically once your wallet is recovered we move your coins (minus our fee) into a new wallet address that you provide to us in the contract.
How much computing power will you use to gain access to my wallet?
This is entirely up to our discretion. It depends on many factors including how likely it is that we will be able to unlock your wallet and the value of your wallet.
Can you always recover lost passwords?
We will do our best to recover your lost password, but it is impossible to guarantee. It depends on the complexity of your password and what you think your password might be. Please give us as many clues as possible so that we can recover your password.
We will ask you questions like:
- How long do you typically make your passwords?
- Do you use capitals? If so, where?
- Do you use numbers, years, or birthdays?
- Do you use special characters?
- Was it generated by a strong password generator?
- What is your operating system, keyboard layout, language?
- Are there frequent words or character combinations that you use?
What fees do you charge?
We charge 18% of the value for wallets under 10BTC, 13% for wallets between 10 and 100BTC, and 8% if your wallet is over 100BTC. We only get paid if we successfully recover your wallet!
How does the recovery process work?
After you contact us we will have a consultation to determine if we can help you recover your coins and answer any questions that you may have. Then we will be signing a legal contract and asking for your government issued ID. We do this to ensure that you’re not trying to recover stolen wallets or wallets in the public domain. After that we will begin the process of recovering your coins. This may include you sending us your wallet file, hardware, or we may ask to remotely control your computer. Once we recover your coins we will move them (minus our fee) to a new wallet address that you provide to us in the contract.